Wednesday 20 July 2016

I Wish My Life Was Different

So you wake up one morning and think, “I wish my life was different.”  And you go on to imagine some different aspect or outcome for yourself.   Perhaps you desire a partner to wake up beside you, or you long for a different partner, or to simply wake up alone.  Perhaps you desire to wake feeling better in your body, having more energy or less anxiety.   Perhaps you desire to feel eager and excited about your day.  Maybe you desire to not worry about how you will pay your bills or get your children through college.   I could go on and on.  The list is endless.

Day after day, you wake up and think for a few seconds, “I wish my life was different.”  Then you either get out of bed and get busy with the tasks of the day, pushing the thought of “something different” out of your mind, or you roll over and pull the covers over your head to block out the dull drum of desires that are dying a slow death within your heart.

Today, I invite you to make an appointment with yourself and give yourself the opportunity to express in writing that inner desire that lurks in the corners of your mind.  Don’t worry about how you will satisfy that desire.  Just befriend it and allow it to have a voice.   Right now, open your calendar and pick 30 minutes for this exercise.  Schedule it within the next 24 hours.  Take fast action!   Don’t delay another day.

Now that you have scheduled the time to meet your desire, you are to plan where you will meet.  Choose a private spot in your home, a shady chair in the back yard, or the corner table in the break room at work.   Take a notebook and pen or your electronic tablet.  And ask this question:   What do I wish was different in my life right now?  Then write it out.  Don’t edit it.  Don’t dwell on it.  Just write it out and save it.   We will work more with it in the next Stepping Stone.

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Friday 15 January 2016

Are Your Ready to Do Things Differently

Boom, boom, boom. The fireworks exploded, the ball dropped, and a new year began. By the time you read this article, you may have already trashed your resolutions. Please don’t despair. There is hope! If you got into your car and headed for an adventure in another state, you would need a roadmap or a GSP. You would make a plan and lay out your route. But you probably don’t do that for your life goals. So year after year you ponder the “what ifs” and then settle for “what comes.” The new possibilities offered by a new year are stimulation and motivation – at least for a day or two. As much as you don’t like change, your brain actually needs it – actually, your brain craves change. Your brain needs to experience new things and new stimuli and challenges in order to keep it from deteriorating. As that new year rings in, you declare, “This will be the year!” “This will be the year I lose those pounds, find my perfect someone, make the money I know I can make, heal my body, or travel abroad. And, then, by the next week, you are filled with disappointment for you have absolutely no idea how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Are you ready to do things differently this year? Here are some tips from your transformational life coach. Take out a couple of sheets of paper. Make a short list of your most important roles. For me, it was life coach, minister, wife, sister, aunt, business owner, and self-care giver. The next step is to write about what you really want to accomplish in each of your important roles. You may write one or two goals per role. Some roles may have more goals. Listen to your heart and keep asking yourself, “What would I really love?” Be careful to not overwhelm yourself by making a huge list that will only frustrate you in a week or two. It is better to get some wins under your belt.

Once you have made your list of roles and goals, pick a couple of goals to break into steps. You can begin to work on these bite-sized pieces.

If you want help with this process and your personal development, schedule a fre consultation with me. For my friends in Georgia, I am presenting my Create Your Best Year: Your Roadmap To Success on January 24, 2016, at Unity of Gainesville, Gainesville, GA. Check out my calendar for more information. If you are not in Georgia, we can work together via telephone or through Skype. Let this year be your best year yet!

Best blessings,

For more details please visit here :

Monday 11 January 2016

Create Your Best Year Workshop

It has been said that some people live 90 years while other people live one year 90 times. Are you tired of settling for what comes along? Do you make New Year’s resolutions to watch them fall apart before the end of January? Have you ever wondered if people can really create the life of their dreams? Give yourself a boost this January with Rev. Robin Volker’s Create Your Best Year workshop on January 24, 2016 at Unity of Gainesville, Gainesville, GA. Robin will lead you through a simple review of the past year, help you identify what is important to you in the coming year, then draw out a road map of where you want to go. Workshop is offered for $30 per person.

If you are not able to attend this live event, contact Robin for information on how she can walk you through these very important steps to transform 2016 into your very best year yet!

For more information :

Sunday 6 December 2015

What Are You Entertaining for Thanksgiving?

A friend of mine said, “Lately I have been entertaining the idea of running away.” Something about my friend’s use of the word “entertaining” made me curious. I asked, “What do you serve it?”

A bewildered look came across her face, “What do I serve it? What do you mean?”

I replied, “Your idea – you said you were entertaining the idea of running away. I was wondering what do you serve it? How do you make the idea of running away feel at home?”

It is odd how we use the word “entertain.” We entertain thoughts of quitting our jobs, of what we would do if we won the lottery, of living in an island paradise. Sometimes we entertain negative thoughts; sometimes the thoughts are positive ones.

What we are saying is that we want those thoughts to feel at home in our minds. Some thoughts may seem like unwanted guests; however, entertain them, we do. The analogy of our minds as “home” is a good one. We live in our minds and give meaning to everything we see.

What we think about becomes our reality. Our thoughts create the atmosphere within which we live and move and have our being.

Father Paul Keenan wrote, “Our lives and the lives of others are lightened or darkened by the thoughts that are in our minds.”

Not every idea that comes into our minds is one that we want to welcome and allow to take up residence. As we grow and mature on the spiritual path, we become more discriminating with the ideas to which we give over the real estate of our minds.

 This month of gratitude is a great time to do an inventory of our thoughts. What thoughts do we entertain every day? What thoughts will take a seat at the Thanksgiving table of your mind?

Will there be limiting thoughts about yourself? “I’m not good enough.” “I’m not smart enough.” “I don’t have the time, the money, the energy to do whatever….”

Perhaps there will be angry thoughts at your table: “I just can’t stand so-n-so!” “Why did he have to get sick and die?” “Why can’t life be simple?”

Maybe you have negative thoughts about your world: “The world is not a safe place.” “I can’t share who I really am out there.” “Everyone is crazy, except me.”

The activity of noticing your thoughts is a highly evolved one. You are the host of your mind. Only you decide which thoughts are welcome in your mind home. Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, wrote, “With every thought there is a radiation of energy. If a person is untrained in thinking and lets his mind express all kinds of thoughts without control, he not only uses up his thought stuff, but he fails also to accomplish any helpful result.”

Take charge of your “thought stuff.” Be in charge of the thoughts that occupy space in your mind. Be choosey about what you entertain in your mind home.

Happy Thanksgiving, Robin

Listen to Rev. Robin’s complete message on “‘What’ Are You Entertaining For Thanksgiving?

For more conversation about gratitude and how our thinking impacts our lives, join Rev. Robin on Thursday, November, 19, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. ET on radio where she will be the guest of Jean Adrienne on Power Talk.

Rev. Robin will be speaking at Unity of Clemson Anderson in Pendleton, SC, on December 6, 2015. Her message will be “Amazing Peace.” Following the service, Robin will present an intention-setting workshop titled, “Create Your Best Year!” In this workshop, you will be guided to review the successes and disappointments of the past year and write your intentions for the upcoming year. You will walk away with a completed workbook that will be your roadmap for your 2016 journey.

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